The Great Start to Quality Central Resource Center (CRC) is one of 10 Resource Centers in Michigan serving Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Midland, Gratiot, Clinton, Shiawassee, Eaton and Ingham Counties. CRC provides a variety of services, resources and support to childcare providers, families and parents/guardians in our nine county region. CRC assists families in finding quality child care programs to meet their needs. We support licensed child care providers through statewide systems, professional development and quality improvement resources. CRC facilitates License Exempt Provider Preservice Training (LEPPT formerly known as Great Start to Quality Orientation training) for Licensed Exempt Providers (LEP) and supports additional training opportunities. Our partners include ECIC, Great Start Collaboratives in all of our counties along with Early On, CMH, DHHS, MiWorks, higher education and other early childhood agencies. Our goal is to support high quality early childhood experiences for children and families.
Central Resource Center – Mid Michigan Region
337 Lemke St
Midland, MI 48642
Central Resource Center – Lower Michigan Region
5700 Executive Drive Suite 2
Lansing, MI 48911
For more information about childcare options and the Central Resource Center, please visit us at www.greatstarttoquality.org or call 877-614-7328.
MID MICHIGAN REGION | (989) 492-7700 Midland Office | Toll-free: 877-614-7328 | |
Brenda Boyce | Quality Improvement Coach | 989-492-7102, ext. 1233 Cell: 989-859-6474 | Email: |
Stefanie Shook | Quality Improvement Coach | 989-492-7102, ex.t 114 Cell: 989-488-7881 | Email: |
Michele Peregord | Quality Improvement Coach-GSQO | 989-492-7102 Cell: 517-290-6362 | Email: |
LOWER MICHIGAN REGION | Lansing Office 517-336-3785 | Toll-free: 877-614-7328 | |
Barb Monroe | Central Resource Center Program Director | (517) 336-3785 Cell: 517-285-7720 | Email: |
Ashlee Salazar | Quality Improvement Coach | (517) 336-3785 Cell: 517-285-6588 | Email: |
Ada Scott | Quality Improvement Coach Infant Toddler Specialist | (517) 336-3785 Cell: 388-6382 | Email: |
Shelby Sandborn | Quality Improvement Specialist | (517) 336-3785 Cell: 989-698-6003 | Email: SSANDBORN@MIDLANDESA.ORG |
Jill Funk | Quality Improvement Coach | (517) 336-3785 | Email: JFUNK@MIDLANDESA.ORG |